Montgomery Community College NRA-Sponsored Summer Gunsmithing Program, Troy, NC
July 26-30, 2021 & September 13-17, 2021
Montgomery Community College is one of four schools in the nation to offer NRA approved short-term gunsmithing courses. Classes are taught by nationally and internationally known gunsmiths and craftsmen who share their expertise in courses from basic to advanced techniques. Most classes combine a hands-on and lecture format and range from three days to two weeks in length. MCC also offers a two-year associate degree program in Gunsmithing. The 2021 NRA short-term gunsmithing class schedule is posted at https://www.montgomery.edu/programs-courses/continuing-education/take-classes-for-fun/nra/
Restoration of Fluid-Steel and Damascus-Steel Shotgun Barrels. This course teaches the proper procedures to recondition barrels of side-by-side shotguns, including fluid steel and Damascus steel barrels. Approximately half the time will be spent on metal preparation, including correct procedures for filing and sanding to base metal; raising dents; removing pits from the exterior of barrels; honing bores; and, as desired, opening chokes. The remainder of the course time will be focused on using the slow-rust-blue process to refinish fluid steel barrels, and for Damascus-steel barrels the traditional process of bluing (or browning) and etching. As time permits, the Belgian rust-blue process may also be taught. Instructor: Steve Wesbrook. [7/26-7/30 MTWTHF 9AM-6PM $201.60]
Restoration of Doublegun Stocks and Forends. This course teaches the proper procedures to repair and refinish the wood on double-barrel shotguns. The instructor will guide the students through the complete process of disassembly of the gun into major components, removing old finish, drawing out damaging petroleum-based oils, sanding and steaming out dents and scratches, making necessary repairs, cleaning out old checking, applying a hand-rubbed stock-oil finish, and refitting the metal parts into the wood. The instructor will demonstrate the process at each step and assist the students on their individual projects. Using pictures of damaged stocks and forends, the instructor will show students the repair process for the most common problems encountered with the wood on vintage double shotguns. He will thereafter assist students in repair of the specific problems with their guns. Instructor: Steve Wesbrook.
[9/13-9/17 MTWTHF 9AM-6PM $201.60]